Saturday, February 4, 2012

WANTED: Mental toughness

Day 35 - Saturday, February 4, 2012

I've cried at Crossfit twice in two days. I'm so frustrated.
My hip is still killing me and it's affecting more movements than I want it to. I almost dropped a kettlebell on my foot yesterday mid-WOD because I couldn't use the hip "pop" to swing it and ended up substituting ring rows (thanks, Murph). Today I couldn't do burpee box jumps or knee tucks so Kia (thanks again) gave me pushups and air squats. It's still really sore after a week of taking it easy, foam rolling and mobility with the band. Throwdown is a week away and now this is just one more stressor.
I'm also frustrated that I can't get control over my emotions enough to just get through it without getting upset. Crying at the drop of the hat is not normal for me and this is just ridiculous. Over the pain is one thing, but it's not completely that. How embarrassing. Not as embarrassing as pooping yourself during a competition would be, but still.  

Lunch - Bacon, eggs
Post-WOD Pity Party Snack - dark chocolate kisses, french fries (ugh)
Snack - grapes
Dinner - baked eggplant
Snack - dark chocolate covered almonds

GymNasty Girls
Warmup - 2 rounds: 100 jump rope simulations, 10m bear walk, 10m crab walk, 10m inch work w/pushups, 30 beat swings
I: 3x5 ring pullups, 10 weighted situps
II: skill work, rope climb (this was comical)
III: 100 jump rope sim, 30 pushups, 30 air squats (4:47)

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