Buffalo chicken dip with tortilla chips, pizza bread with broccoli, ham and cheese, chocolate cake, candied pecans, onion dip, wine, apple-tinis, and more. These are all of the foods that were spread out in front of me last night. So many delicious delicious temptations. Luckily John and I had made bacon wrapped dates and I put together a fresh veggie platter and included guacamole as an option. I certainly wish there had been more, but I stayed strong. How? Because I knew I'd have to write down what I ate. And I knew people would see it. And I didn't want that. One of the best part of this challenge is the incredible community and support network that's grown between the participants. Recipe sharing, advice, nutrition information and plain old sanity support are certainly making this the best challenge I've ever been involved in. Everyone is really working together even though there are big prizes at stake. Just one more thing that makes the ACF/CCP community so amazing.
Food: Lunch - turkey and cheddar rollups Cafe with Nacho - cappuccino (side note: hooray for getting this instead of the latte with whipped cream after asking the guy what was in it and seeing a list of weird ingredients instead of "cream") Snack - cashews Dinner - chicken with ham, honey glazed carrots
Workout: mobility/stretching (my back is killing me! time for a visit to the chiropractor)
3 weeks down
Its been alittle over 3 weeks.. and im doing well.. Clothes fit better and
im not craving the junk really. Energy level is inconsistent because Im so
I want to remember this feeling. Being so excited that I had a shot to be
on the regional team. To see my name on the roster. Then how awful it felt
to see...
Wow???? Haven’t looked here in ages!
Wow!! It’s been over a year since I even opened this page. Something made
me come here tonight….I don’t know what though. I started this journal in
So. I’m pretty bad at this…
…the blogging, I mean. Where did the time go? It has been an eventful
couple weeks, though. Proceeding through the 90 day just fine, with
clothes ...
Another day, another step!
Hi all! Today was a good day. Am still on track for my paleo zone and it
is paying off big time! I feel better, I am stronger, and my performance is
The end….also the beginning
Well, the 90 Day Challenge has been over for almost 2 weeks which were
probably the most busy and stressful 2 weeks of my life! So my final count
as far a...
90 day challenge wrap up...
So I have my measurements and benchmarks done. Still gotta do after photo
hopefully I can get up there tomorrow. But I think I may zone next month.
Or fo...
What If… ???
What. If. Two words, that when put together & followed by a question mark…
can eat you alive… can literally torment your every waking moment & every
Day 90 of 90
Wow...did I really just type that? 90 of 90...doesn't seem like it's been
90 days...it's been a trip to say the least. What are my thoughts...
First of all...
Home Stretch
I’m home! Got back from Puerto Rico at about 12:30 AM this morning. It
was a nice trip. Great weather: nice and sunny and warm. We went to the
beach ev...
90 Days. I am Old. No other news flashes...
90 Days. A long time. It takes 30 days to establish a habit. I have
clearly established a habit. Does that excuse my lack up blog updates? No.
My ea...
Step by Step
So far I am still on track and life is good. I couldn't get out of bed this
morning, my legs were aching, like I had a round of charlie horses, but I
Falling Off The Wagon…
Falling off the wagon may be an understatement. The wagon came to a dead
stop recently. I feel like I was pretty strong thru most of January –
passing on...
We’re all Ballers at ACF/CCP
I am amazed at how strong the athletes are at ACF – have you ever walked
into a room and just been amazed at the men and women around you? This
happens to...
Fun With Cacao Nibs!
I have a confession…I LOVE chocolate. Dark, Milk, Creamy, Hot, Cold; It
doesn’t matter, I’m a fan. Unfortunately, I can no longer indulge in some
of my fav...
It’s been awhile…
I’ve been pretty hit and miss with sticking to my primal/zone diet. I wake
up everyday with great intentions, and then life happens… The winter seems
to be...
Jan 15, I’m back….
Its been a good week–I’m not a great blogger, though I admittedly love
reading the posts by some of the other 90 day challenge members (Team
Fouche, Rebe...
Day 11
As much as I’d like to, I simply can’t blog everyday. My life just doesn’t
allow for it. Especially right now. Since I haven’t checked in since
Saturday (t...
Overcoming Health Anxiety
Health anxiety plagues everyone from time to time. We all wonder if that
shooting pain in a random part of our body means something is seriously
wrong, or ...
By: grotlopt
Great website... [...]we like to honor many other internet
sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them.
Under a...
Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies
I just finished the Diamond of the Tough Masters Qualifiers!
(40-44 division) Whew! And I was ready for a tasty reward...
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