Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Day 25 - Wednesday, January 25, 2012

After a small amount of courage thanks to Jonesy, I posted my blog on the 90 day challenge site yesterday. Yeah, that long rambling super personal story about all of my weight struggles over the last 15 years out there for everyone to see. Oh my goodness was it traumatic, but it was nice to get some positive feedback and encouragement. I'm glad I got the guts to do it, even though it took some encouragement.
I also had a conversation with a fellow crossfitter about my issue with finishing last. (The not wanting people to cheer for me and yell at me to finish. The wanting to tell them to fuck off, drop the bar and walk out.) I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that way.
Finally, I had strongman class (first Wednesday back in forever!) tonight. The first WOD was axle clean and jerks, five heavy rounds of one. These are the WODs PRs are made of. 110? no problem. 115? no problem. 120? that's getting heavy, but it's up. 125? holy shit, I got it up. 130? nope. but certainly doable down the road. I'm pretty sure my previous PR was 115. Also, I think my "normal" jerk PR was lower than 125 as well, making this extra impressive for me. The only problem with the continental is that intermediate step of resting the bar on your belly to flip your hand over before the quick transition to rack position. It gets pretty tender pretty quickly. Rearranging your guts (back to the topic at hand, see how I did that?) in the process. Between that, and the 75 situps yesterday, my guts are cooked!

Breakfast - ham and cheese omelet
Lunch - leftover chicken stir fry, orange, chocolate covered almonds
Dinner - chicken cobb salad
Snack - almonds, meatballs

Strongman at ACF
1-1-1-1-1 Axle Clean and Jerk
PR! 125lbs.
Failed at 130 in fifth round attempt.

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